Funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.3, Theme 10.
Participate in the survey on the perception of novel foods and new food technologies. An initiative of the Edmund Mach Foundation, Spoke 4 OnFoods.
Susanna Bonelli
Communication specialist
Even when the benefits of a particular functional food are evident, consumer acceptance may not be automatic and could fail if these issues are not adequately addressed.
Additionally, product liking and sensory properties are fundamental in consumers' food choices. It is essential to consider both aspects when evaluating innovative food prototypes. Moreover, consumers are increasingly interested in obtaining information about food characteristics to ensure authenticity, quality, and safety.
Completing the questionnaire will take only fifteen minutes of your time. Participation will be anonymous, and the collected data will be used solely for research purposes. Before starting the survey, you will find detailed information about the study and a participation consent form (in Italian).
The study aims to enhance the quality of food and nutrition by adapting them to the needs of modern consumers. This includes reformulating food, employing innovative and sustainable technologies, and creating new foods that cater to personalised nutrition needs.
You will be asked to read and respond to questions about the acceptability, familiarity, knowledge, and willingness to consume innovative foods already on the market or in development. The survey will also explore your attitudes toward novel foods, perceptions of risks and benefits, and include a section on your socio-demographic information.
Thank you in advance for your valuable participation!
OnFoods Team, Spoke 4, Edmund Mach Foundation
Susanna Bonelli
Communication specialist
I skilfully craft communication messages for specific audiences and distribute them through appropriate channels. A perfectionist with a flair for teaching, I specialise in web copywriting, UX writing, content design, and content marketing.
Consumers' acceptance and characterisation of innovative food prototype
Principal investigators
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Spoke 04