Research project
12-36 | monthsCACHI

Consumers' acceptance and characterisation of innovative food prototype

Related toSpoke 04

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Isabella Endrizzi,Luana Bontempo
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NewsJul 18, 2024

Perception of Novel Foods and New Food Technologies: The Survey by the Edmund Mach Foundation

Project partners

Task involved

Task 4.2.1.

Development and application of advanced analytical procedures to assess the quality of relevant food product categories in the national context and corresponding analogues implemented according to task 4.1.1 and 4.1.2

Task 4.2.2.

In depth characterization of the new products using different approaches (including omics techniques) to get their unique fingerprint (e.g., foodome evaluation) and to compare it to corresponding benchmark.

Task 4.4.3.

Identification of consumers' motivations, attitudes, drivers, and barriers towards food innovation to design a strategy for its acceptance (in connection with WP1-WP3, Spoke 1, 3 and 7).

Project deliverables


Consumer's acceptance of at least 4 innovative food prototypes (M36)


Application of foodomic approaches for the assessment of composition parameters in at least one existing (M24), two reformulated (M32) and implemented (M36) products of each food category according to task 4.1.1. and 4.1.2.

Interaction with other spokes

State of the art

Consumer beliefs about the risks and benefits of novel foods determine whether they will be accepted or not by the consumer. Factors such as ethical concerns, worries about the potential environmental impact of novel crops or processes, and trust in risk regulators and science are of importance in consumer decision-making. Even if the consumer benefits from a particular functional food are obvious, consumer acceptance might not be automatic and may fail if these issues are not adequately understood. However, product liking and sensory properties are also fundamental in determining consumers' food choices, and it is important to simultaneously consider both elements when evaluating innovative food prototypes. Furthermore, consumers are more and more interested in having information on food’s characteristics in order to guarantee their authenticity, quality and safety. The spectrometry of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) has more and more applications in this field, as it allows to determine in a rapid and repeatable way the metabolomic profile of a food, which is also linked to its qualitative and sensory characteristics.

Operation plan

The aim of the research is to measure consumers' acceptance of novel food prototypes taking into account individual motivations, attitudes, drivers, and barriers towards food innovation. Furthermore, the prototypes will be characterized through an NMR approach.

  1. Food technologies aspects (e.g. voluntary exposure, perceived naturalness, risk perception) and consumers' characteristics (e.g. food technology neophobia, picky eating, disgust sensitivity) will be investigated simultaneously in an online survey (collaboration with Task 3.2.4 Consumer interactions and acceptability of novel food and technologies).                                              
  2. The development of external information (e.g. front-package claim) on the application of innovative technologies in the food industry on consumer acceptability of processed food products of interest by ONFOODS partners (e.g. baked and/or fermented products).
  3. Standard operating procedures for the NMR analysis of the prototypes will be determined.
  4. The characteristic profile of the prototypes will be analysed and defined.

The activity of this task foreseen the collection of consumer acceptability/willingness to taste at least 4 prototypes of novel food developed by ONFOODS partners (e.g. baked and/or fermented products and/or functional dairy products) and their analysis.

Expected results

The proposed activities will provide a database of the attitudes, drivers, and barriers towards food innovation of at least 1000 Italian consumers and of consumer acceptability/willingness to taste at least 4 novel food prototypes developed by ONFOODS partners.  Furthermore, a database of the metabolomic profile of the prototypes will be established. The main results will be:

  1. Report on the Identification of consumer segments with different levels of attitude and beliefs towards innovative foods and technologies 
  2. Report on the effect of external information about innovative technologies application on prototypes’ acceptability.
  3. Verification if consumer segments with different attitudes and beliefs experienced a different impact of external information on liking.
  4. Report on the metabolomic profile of the prototypes.

What do you think about innovative foods?

Give your contribution to research by participating in the survey on the perception of novel foods and new food technologies. An initiative of the Edmund Mach Foundation, Spoke 4 OnFoods.

Dear OnFoods colleague,
We invite you to participate in an important online survey on the perception of novel foods and new food technologies. Your opinion is crucial for understanding the attitudes and expectations of Italian consumers. This study is part of the CACHI project by Spoke 4.

Completing the questionnaire will take only fifteen minutes of your time. Participation will be anonymous, and the collected data will be used solely for research purposes. Before starting the survey, you will find detailed information about the study and a participation consent form (in Italian).

Thank you in advance for your valuable participation.

OnFoods Team, Spoke 4, Edmund Mach Foundation

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NewsJul 18, 2024
Perception of Novel Foods and New Food Technologies: The Survey by the Edmund Mach Foundation

Participate in the survey on the perception of novel foods and new food technologies. An initiative of the Edmund Mach Foundation, Spoke 4 OnFoods.