
Università degli studi di Parma


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Research projects
Research projectSOC_INN

Social innovation and technology transfer in food value chain

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Principal investigators

Filippo Arfini
Research projectFAI_FRU

Fair and efficient wholesale market for improving fruit and vegetable consumption

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Principal investigators

Filippo Arfini
Research projectBIO_LOC

The biodistrict: organic food for local consumers and local food business

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Principal investigators

Filippo Arfini
Research projectCAT_SYS

Focus on collective catering system

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Principal investigators

Lorenzo Maria Donini
Research projectCON_INN

Consumers perception and acceptance of innovative food and production systems

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Principal investigators

Cristina Mora,Pasquale Filannino
Research projectPPP_URB

Public and private food procurement and short food values chains in urban areas

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Principal investigators

Davide Fassi
Research projectSCIN-GO

Scientific Innovation, Technology and Sustainability: Governance and Regulation

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Principal investigators

Lorenza Violini
Research projectCLI_CHA

Good practices and food quality production in the climate changes context

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Principal investigators

Agata Matarazzo
Research projectSUS_COC

Sustainability strategies in the cocoa-chocolate global value chain

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Principal investigators

Valentina Maria Paola Raimondi
Research projectRIG_FOO

The right to adeguate food: actors and tools for implementation

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Principal investigators

Lorenza Violini
Research projectETHI_LEG

Definition of an ethical legal model of sustainable food system relationships

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Principal investigators

Irene Canfora
Research projectGO_BLOK

Governance of quality blokchains

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Principal investigators

Agata Matarazzo
Research projectFAI_MAR

Towards fair and efficient food markets

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Principal investigators

Stefano Corsi
Research projectFOO_TER

Relationship between food and territory

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Principal investigators

Valentina Maria Paola Raimondi
Research projectFRA_POP

Nudging fragile population groups towards sustainable food choices

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Principal investigators

Riccardo Vecchio
Research projectPRO_CHEM

Probabilistic risk/exposure assessment to chemicals vs sustainability issues

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Principal investigators

Sergio Ghidini,Chiara Dall'Asta
Research projectASSESS-PLANT

Assessment of natural contaminants from plant-based ingredients

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Principal investigators

Chiara Dall'Asta
Research projectMALTOX

Marine toxins in algal food supplements and ingredients

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Principal investigators

Chiara Dall'Asta,Sergio Ghidini,Maria Careri
Research projectSMARTHYD

Cad tool for automatic and smart hygienic design assessment

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Principal investigators

Alessandro Pirondi
Research projectCLEANVEG

Massive isolation and identification of contaminants from plant-based matrix

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Principal investigators

Federica Volontè,Federica Biolcati,Fabio Dal Bello
Research projectDEGRAMINES

Identification of microorganisms able to degradate biogenic amines

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Principal investigators

Federica Volontè,Federica Biolcati,Fabio Dal Bello

Identification of natural toxins and related emerging risks in innovative ingredients for the bakery and meal solutions sector

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Principal investigators

Michele Suman,Chiara Dall'Asta
Research projectOBI-WAN-DIET

A multi-omics approach to tackle obesity at individual level with plant-based diets

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Principal investigators

Pedro Mena,Daniele Del Rio
Research projectDIFOSTER

Development of innovative foods through encapsulation and fermentation technologies

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Principal investigators

Emma Chiavaro
Research projectENDOPHENOL

Investigation of in vivo endogenous and/or exogenous production of phenolic metabolites using (un)targeted metabolomics

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Principal investigators

Pedro Mena,Daniele Del Rio,Marco Ventura
Research projectFAUST

Fermented microalgae as functional supplements

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Principal investigators

Francesco Martelli
Research projectFOOD-MICROBIOME

Disentangling the functional contribution of food microbes on the human gut microbiome

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Principal investigators

Marco Ventura
Research projectLAIHFF

Lactic acid bacteria improving health and foods through fermentation

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Principal investigators

Monica Gatti
Research projectMETA-BETA

Food (poly)phenol metabotypes and beta-cell mass and function

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Principal investigators

Alessandra Dei Cas,Daniele Del Rio,Pedro Mena
Research projectNEW PRACTICE

Development of new approaches to elucidate the metabolism of nutritionally relevant bioactive compounds

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Principal investigators

Daniele Del Rio,Pedro Mena
Research projectEFFORT

Reformulation of food products

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Principal investigators

Patrizia Riso,Daniela Martini
Research projectUNICORN

Understanding the role of sensory determinants and perception in healthy eating

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Principal investigators

Monica Laureati
Research projectHPF-RECLASSIFY

Highly processed foods: re-appraisal of classification systems

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Principal investigators

Emanuele Marconi
Research projectREFRAMED FOODS

Application of strategies to increase acceptance of foods reformulated with reduced salt and sugar contents

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Principal investigators

Fiorella Sinesio,Margherita Amenta
Research projectBIONATECH

Improvement of quality and nutritional value of foods using natural compounds and mild biotechnologies

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Principal investigators

Fausto Gardini,Lucia Vannini
Research projectPLANTFERM

Fermented plant-based innovative products as healthy and sustainable low-processed food models

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Principal investigators

Fausto Gardini,Lucia Vannini
Research projectMAPEN

Multi-omics analyses for personalized nutrition

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Principal investigators

Giuseppe Grosso
Research projectSENSE4FOOD

Sensory-led reformulation strategy to improve the nutritional and sensory quality of food

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Principal investigators

Monica Laureati
Research projectSUM_LIFE

Implementation and validation of healthy and sustainable menus throughout the lifecycle

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Principal investigators

Patrizia Riso,Daniela Martini
Research projectDETERMINA

Understanding determinants and factors underlying food-related consumer behaviour

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Principal investigators

Guido Cristini
Research projectNUTRICO

Modelling healthy and sustainable diets by considering nutritional constraints

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Principal investigators

Marika Ferrari
Research projectSUSFOODEDU

For a sustainable food education in multi-cultural settings. Policies, education practices, and teachers’ training

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Principal investigators

Giovanna Guerzoni,Arianna Lazzari
Research projectPARCA

Participatory design of solutions towards healthy and sustainable university canteens

Managed by

Principal investigators

Matteo Vittuari
The University of Parma (UNIPR), whose foundation dates back to 962 A.D., is one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the most well-known universities in Italy, with more than 30,000 students. 

UNIPR has 1,739 employees, of which 833 are faculty members, almost 100 of them working on ONFOODS topics. UNIPR ranks 4th in Italy, and 46th in the world according to the 2021 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects ARWU in Food Science & Technology.

Leader of the spoke

Spoke 01

Global Sustainability

Fair food market for healthy citizens

Lead organisationUniPr

Spoke leaderFilippo Arfini

People involved

Alessandra Dei Cas

Alessandro Pirondi

Alice Rosi

Benedetta Grandi

Chiara Dall'Asta

Cristina Mora

Cristina Zerbini


Damiano Callegaro

Researcher at University of Parma


Daniele Del Rio

Full Professor in Human Nutrition

Davide Menozzi

Emma Chiavaro

Federica Fantuzzi


Filippo Arfini

Full Professor in Agri-food Economics

Francesca Scazzina

Francesco Martelli

Francesco Musiari

Guido Cristini

Laura Pineschi

Lucia Scaffardi

Marco Ventura

Maria Careri

Maria Cecilia Mancini


Maurizio Piergiovanni

Researcher at University of Parma

Michele Maccari

Monica Gatti

Ottavia Parenti

Pedro Mena

Rungsaran Wongprawmas

Sergio Ghidini