
Research projects

This page gathers all the research projects of the OnFoods project. You can navigate them by spoke, by organization, and through text search. The list is constantly being updated.

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37 results found: scroll down to see all

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Spoke 07
Research projectINSEA

Identification of innovative strategies for reducing the waste of seafood products

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Principal investigators

Carlotta Franchi,Enrico Davoli

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Research projectNAFF.PP

Neglected agro-forest food in public procurement

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Principal investigators

Laura Prosperi,Luca Mocarelli

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Research projectPARCA

Participatory design of solutions towards healthy and sustainable university canteens

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Principal investigators

Matteo Vittuari

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Research projectSUSFOL

Sustainability, safety and security in food law, consumer and comparative law

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Principal investigators

Alfredo Ferrante

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Research projectWASTIN

Food waste reduction interventions

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Principal investigators

Patrizia Steca,Silvia Mari

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Research projectCHOEAT

Tailored interventions and choice architecture strategies for healthy and sustainable eating

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Principal investigators

Patrizia Steca,Silvia Mari

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Research projectDETERMINA

Understanding determinants and factors underlying food-related consumer behaviour

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Principal investigators

Guido Cristini

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Research projectHEGEO

The human and environmental sustainability of food geographical indications

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Principal investigators

Roberta Dameno

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Research projectNATFOOD

Socio-cultural representations of nature and crisis through food

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Principal investigators

Mauro Ivo Van Aken,Francesco Della Costa

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Research projectSUFAG

Sustainable food and gender

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Principal investigators

Roberta Dameno,Laura Prosperi

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Research projectSUSFOODEDU

For a sustainable food education in multi-cultural settings. Policies, education practices, and teachers’ training

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Principal investigators

Giovanna Guerzoni,Arianna Lazzari

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Research projectDIETMETER

Dietmeter app

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Principal investigators

Andrea Segre',Luca Falasconi

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Research projectFOODSERV

Sustainable public food service laboratory

Principal investigators

Matteo Vittuari

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Research projectNUTRICO

Modelling healthy and sustainable diets by considering nutritional constraints

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Principal investigators

Marika Ferrari

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Research projectPSYCHO

Psychosocial strategies to support sustainable eating

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Principal investigators

Patrizia Steca,Silvia Mari

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Spoke 07
Research projectSUPERON

Intervention strategies in supermarkets’ online shops to promote healthy and sustainable food choices

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Principal investigators

Carlotta Franchi,Marta Baviera

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Spoke 07
Research projectTRIM

Translating istat multipurpose survey into a systemic nutrition survey

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Principal investigators

Sara Capacci

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Research projectDIFFERS

The differently-sweet-diet of the anthropocene

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Principal investigators

Luca Mocarelli,Laura Prosperi

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Spoke 07
Research projectFOODSRIGHT

The right to food as social right

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Principal investigators

Roberta Dameno

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Spoke 07
Research projectINFP

Integrated national food policy

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Principal investigators

Patrizia Borsotto

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Research projectMYSI

Myself image website. Digital and social body image and eating disorders in young generations

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Principal investigators

Federica Villa,Maria Vittoria Conti

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Research projectOPEN_POLI

Open access database of food policies

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Principal investigators

Mario Mazzocchi

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Research projectSUSCOM

How to assess the sustainability of food companies

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Principal investigators

Luigi Corvo

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Spoke 07
Research projectWASTEIT

Observatory waste watcher - Italy

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Principal investigators

Matteo Masotti,Luca Falasconi,Andrea Segre',Matteo Vittuari

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Spoke 07