Funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.3, Theme 10.
Open access database of food policies
The last decades have seen a surge in policies promoting healthy and sustainable diets. T74.1 will: (1) review existing ex-post evaluations of public policies at the international level; (2) generate new evidence, using robust methods, evaluating international, European, and Italian national, regional policies.
Report on evidence-based policies (M34)
The F-POD database is an open access database of European food policies, created within the European project FIT4FOOD. The database was created in 2018-2019 with a comprehensive research of food policies (classified by theme) in different EU countries. The idea is to create an open access “supervised” data-base which can be queried and updated by any researcher.
The current demo of the data-base is already available here:
There is also a “Food Policy portal @ UNIBO” which can be developed into an ONFOODS initiative and could be used as a dissemination tool for ONFOODS:
The activities and the development of the portal and data-base were interrupted in 2019 as the FIT4FOOD project and funding came to an end.
During the first 9 months, there will be a thorough check and update of the current content of the data-base, with a specific focus on (a) Italian policies; (b) EU-level and country-level policies relevant to sustainability and health of the food sector.
A scientific committee / advisory board will be created involving researchers from the ONFOODS community (and other researchers) in order to promote the cooperative effort in developing and maintaining the data-base.
Once an up-to-date version will be ready for dissemination, promotion activities (e.g. a workshop, presentation at international conferences, dissemination papers, etc.) will be finalised at involving the broader food policy community.
During the project ONFOODS we will provide a contact point, supervision and monitoring of the data-base.
An on-line, open access operational food policy database which can serve the research community to identify the current and past policy actions in Italy and Europe.
A dissemination web-site for ONFOODS food-policy related initiatives.