Funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.3, Theme 10.
Socio-cultural representations of nature and crisis through food
Unveils the economic determinants of food choice and management focusing both on consumers’ behaviour - also considering the perceived value of food - and on companies’ practices and decision processes.
Aims to widen current knowledge to grasp how dietary choices are affected by social and cultural elements including believes and norms, such as injunctive and subjective norms.
Basing also on inputs from Spoke 1 new quality requirements for public procurement will be developed: a) implement interplay between public bodies, consumers and selected providers; b) opportunities to networking and partnership among local selected providers to innovate and rebalance typical market-oriented rationales; c) test consumer attitude towards the resultant dietary patterns enhancing balance between supply and consumption.
Building on task T7.2.3 and WPT7.3, and considering regional differences, this task will develop a set of policies aiming to promote a transition towards healthy and sustainable diets within schools focusing on local and culturally acceptable products and on the promotion of the values of the Mediterranean diet.
Production of a set of policy-oriented guidelines and set of recommendations based on: (a) current national and international evidence-based; (b) findings and inputs from all tasks and activities, especially WP7.2, WP7.3 and Task 7.3.3; (c) proposals to modify existing legislation; (d) feedback from stakeholders and policymakers.
Report on retailers’ and alternative food networks potential interventions to promote sustainable and healthy food products (M32)
Report on social determinants of consumers’ food management choices (M32)
Development or implementation of at least one six-month/one-year-long pioneering public procurement model (targeting schools, universities, hospitals, other) (M36)
Fine tuning and tailoring existing tools to produce updated education materials for different geographical areas (including on-line tools) (M30)
Technical report + dissemination document on policy recommendations (M36)
Food acquires intensive and intimate meanings for social actors according to the wider cultural sphere in which they are embedded but also in relation to the social sphere of accelerated changes and of “poli-crises” (economic, Covid, war and electricity, climate changes) that highly influence changes, norms, believes and practices around food consumption.
Different cultural ideas of nature and environment, of health, of care (of human and of nonhuman subjects) are at stake today in “eating” and will be analyzed through the changes and practices that already take place at the local level as innovative experiments in society in nutrition and consumption choices, in local networking experienced as cultural and political acts: localizing food networks by communities, local crop varieties and seed savers, social buyers networks, multiple choices in vegetarian or less carbon-footprint food also as identity markers of new generations and social movements.
Further, in a multicultural society, different evaluations are at stake on what sustainable food is, according to ritual, cultural and symbolic models that refer to other places of origin.
1) Involve local experimentations of local innovative networks on food.
2) Include social and local practices of environmental sustainability in policy making and innovation.