
Research projects

This page gathers all the research projects of the OnFoods project. You can navigate them by spoke, by organization, and through text search. The list is constantly being updated.

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29 results found: scroll down to see all
Research projectBIOCOIM

Bioconversion of agro-industrial food and wastes by insects and microalgae

Managed by

Principal investigators

Alessandra Verardi,Barbara Menin,Costanza Jucker

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Spoke 02
Research projectCHARACTER_BIO

Comprehensive characterization of bioactive compounds and/or macromolecules from food by-products and wastes

Principal investigators

Sabrina Dallavalle,Maria Antonietta Panaro,Anna Valenti ,Pasquale Ferranti,Andrea Bassani,Arianna Rossetti

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Spoke 02
Research projectLOG&DEL

Advanced food logistics and delivery solutions

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Principal investigators

Marco Gerevini

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Research projectPHYSAN

Physical technologies for sanitization of fresh food products

Managed by

Principal investigators

Matteo Gherardi

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Spoke 02
Research projectSOL-SUSTLOG

New solutions for sustainable logistics in food supply chains

Managed by

Principal investigators

Angela Tumino,

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Spoke 02
Research projectBIOPACK

New solutions for sustainable bio-based food packaging

Principal investigators

Andrea Bassani,Francesco Meneguzzo,Sara Limbo,Luigi De Nardo,Matteo Gherardi

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Research projectCOFESAVE

New technologies and strategies to preserve roasted coffee beans and reduce food waste

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Principal investigators

Gianpaolo Trevisan

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Research projectFUNPACK

Assessment of bio-functional properties of new smart and sustainable packaging solutions

Principal investigators

Sara Limbo,Francesco Meneguzzo,Matteo Gherardi,Luigi De Nardo

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Research projectMETRO_FARM

Treatment of agro-industrial food byproducts and wastes by fermentation and enzymes

Managed by

Principal investigators

Alessandra Verardi,Anna Valenti ,Daniela Bassi,Diego Romano,Pasquale Ferranti,Fabio Minervini

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Spoke 02
Research projectPILOT_PACK

Pilot-scale packaging solutions

Principal investigators

Francesco Meneguzzo,Andrea Bassani,Sara Limbo,Luigi De Nardo,Matteo Gherardi

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Spoke 02
Research projectSTORFOOD

New strategies and technologies for the storage of food commodities to reduce waste

Managed by

Principal investigators

Erica Pontonio

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Spoke 02
Research projectBIOSAN

Biochemical technologies for sanitization of fresh food products

Managed by

Principal investigators

Sabrina Dallavalle

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Spoke 02
Research projectEXTRABIO

Extraction of bioactive compounds and/or macromolecules from food by-products and wastes

Principal investigators

Sabrina Dallavalle,Angelo Santino,Daniele Pizzichini,Urszula Tylewicz,Andrea Bassani,Arianna Rossetti,Pasquale Ferranti,Fabio Minervini

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Spoke 02
Research projectFUNPROD

Functional/nutritional characterization of new products obtained from food by-products/wastes

Managed by

Principal investigators

Grazia Tamma,Angelo Santino

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Research projectNEWPRO

New food and nonfood products from agrifood wastes

Principal investigators

Pasquale Ferranti,Patrizia Casella,Stefano Predieri,Arianna Rossetti,Fabio Minervini,Santina Romani,Elena Castellari,Costanza Jucker

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Spoke 02
Research projectREXPIRE

Reuse of recently expired food

Managed by

Principal investigators

Pasquale Ferranti,Angelo Santino

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Spoke 02
Research projectURBSOL-DISTR

New local and urban logistics solutions for the distribution of food products

Managed by

Principal investigators

Angela Tumino,

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Spoke 02
Research projectBIOSTAB

New biomass stabilizers from food by products and wastes

Managed by

Principal investigators

Pasquale Ferranti,Sabrina Dallavalle

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Referred to

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Research projectFERM_WASTE

Fermentation of agri-food by product/waste to obtain bioactive compounds enriched foods

Managed by

Principal investigators

Angelo Santino,Daniela Bassi

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Research projectLACKAGING

Lactic acid bacteria "enriched" food packagings

Managed by

Principal investigators

Federica Volontè

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Research projectON_TRADE

Environmental performances of new products/procesess

Principal investigators

Lucrezia Lamastra,Eugenia Monaco,Gianluca Selicato,Sara Limbo

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Spoke 02
Research projectSENSFRESH

Sensing technologies for sanitization of fresh food products

Managed by

Principal investigators

Emanuela Noris

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Spoke 02
Research projectVALUE_PRODUCT

Evaluation of prototypes from by products/waste

Principal investigators

Pasquale Ferranti,Patrizia Casella,Vincenzo D'amelia,Arianna Rossetti,Grazia Tamma,Santina Romani,Elena Castellari,Costanza Jucker

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Spoke 02