EventSpoke 06Sep 26 - 26, 2024

Responsible Production and Consumption from Field to Table: The University of Pavia at the G7 Agriculture in Syracuse alongside OnFoods

On the occasion of the G7 Agriculture the University of Pavia will play a leading role in a side event.

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Published: September 24, 2024
On the occasion of the G7 Agriculture, which will take place in Syracuse from September 21 to 29, 2024, the University of Pavia will play a leading role in a side event accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture. 

"Responsible Production and Consumption from Field to Table: Technology, Policies, Behaviors, Training" is the title of the discussion day.

The event, organized and coordinated by Carola Ricci, Aldo Piccone, and Anna Facchinetti from the Department of Political and Social Sciences, will take place on September 26 starting at 3:00 PM in Syracuse (Ortigia Island, National Institute of Ancient Drama).

Some intermediate results from the research work and synergies developed by the University of Pavia and its affiliated partners will be presented during the event as part of two PNRR projects funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU: the ONFOODS extended partnership (Project code PE00000003, MUR Director's Decree no. 1550 of October 11, 2022, CUP code F13C22001210007) and the 'NODES (North-West Digital and Sustainable)' Ecosystem (Grant agreement no. ECS00000036; CUP code F17G22000190007).

The event will be divided into three thematic modules dedicated to

  • Environmental sustainability and innovation: goals and necessary tools to mitigate water stress in agriculture
  • Prevention and reduction of food waste from field to table: seeking a common definition
  • Responsible food production and consumption without discrimination: traditions, culture, and art in service of vulnerable groups.
In addition to the organizing department, four other departments from the University of Pavia will be represented. 

Speakers include: Valentina Vaglia from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Nadia Bertolino from the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, both members of NODES, and, representing the ONFOODS project, Elisabetta Modena from the Department of Humanities and Maria Vittoria Conti from the Department of Public Health, Experimental Medicine, and Forensic Medicine.

Alongside researchers from the University of Pavia, project partner universities (especially the University of Milano-Bicocca), and other research centers engaged in sustainability, such as the "Salvatore Pugliatti" Department of Law at the University of Messina and the National Doctoral Program in Sustainable Development and Climate Change (PhD SDC, IUSS), will also contribute to the event.

Additionally, the event will feature participation from the production sector, the third sector, and an international organization. Speakers will include representatives from: Agrigeos, a company that won a cascading call promoted by the NODES Innovation Ecosystem, the Banco Alimentare Foundation, and the International and Development Law Organization (IDLO).


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Spoke 06

Tackling malnutrition

To restore resilience and defeat malnutrition

Lead organisationUniPv

Spoke leaderHellas Cena

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