EventSpoke 06Jun 27, 2024

Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning with examples of applications in the context of nutrition

A full day seminar on the 27th June 2024 at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Pavia.

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  3. Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning with examples of applications in the context of nutrition

Published: June 5, 2024
Promoted by Dr Daniele Pala, a full day dedicated to providing an overview of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning, with focus on commonly used algorithms and examples of applications in the context of the topics of interest for the OnFoods project consortium. On the 27th June 2024 from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM, at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Pavia.

Main objectives:

  1. explain the main concepts at the basis of artificial intelligence, with special emphasis on machine learning and deep learning;
  2. provide an overview of some of the main procedures and algorithms, demonstrating their high versatility;
  3. provide some examples of applications in the context of nutrition.


Guests gathering and opening

Morning session
Quick recap of the past AI courses
Principles of Artificial Intelligence, main algorithms and state of the art
Practical examples of machine learning algorithms for clustering and classification

Lunch break

Afternoon session
Presentation of the Orange Data Mining tool
Implementation of machine learning algorithms in practice: guided hands-on tutorial using Orange (your personal computer is required to properly follow the guided activity)



This blog post is related to

Spoke 06

Tackling malnutrition

To restore resilience and defeat malnutrition

Lead organisationUniPv

Spoke leaderHellas Cena

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