Research project
36 | monthsNUTRISALUS

Nutritional status and diet quality in italian population groups

Related toSpoke 05

Principal investigators
Angela Polito,Laura Censi,Elena Azzini,Raffaella Canali
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Task involved

Task 5.1.1.

Identification of areas in Italy, based on existing databank, in order to: a) assess the populations at higher risk of over- and under-nutrition b) select the strategic partners to meet and educate the at-risk population (schools, recreative centres, churches, other associations) in connection with Spoke 7.

Task 5.1.2.

Analysis of existing data on food consumption, lifestyle and biochemical/genetic parameters in Italian population groups along the lifecycle: elaboration of available datasets providing information on eating and lifestyle habits, accessibility, drivers and barriers towards a healthy diet of defined groups (children, adolescents, adults, pregnant women, older subjects) in connection with Spoke 1.

Task 5.1.3

Development of an ONFOODS cohort (including relevant target groups along the lifecycle) within the geographical area covered by the participant institutions with the aim to systematically assess nutritional status, eating behaviour, physical activity and lifestyle in target populations through the application of shared procedures and questionnaire able to add information lacking from the available datasets and to provide a setting for the validation of possible biomarker (see WP 5.4.) new intervention (in connection with Spoke 4) or educational strategies (in connection with spoke 7).

Project deliverables


Define questionnaires for investigating nutritional status according with age (M6)


Provide a geographical map of areas comparing economical advantaged areas with peripheral areas in big cities (M24)


Provide a comparison between urban and non-urban areas (M30)


Report on available data and defined network (M18)


Report on national food consumption accessibility, drivers, and barriers towards a healthy diet of defined groups (M32)


Protocols for the definition of nutritional status, eating behaviour, physical activity, and lifestyle (M12)


Report on nutritional status, eating behaviour, physical activity and lifestyle linked to quality of diet, nutrition and adherence to sustainable food patterns (M36)

Interaction with other spokes

State of the art

The last three decades have seen the levels of overweight and obesity rise dramatically. This is indicative of a worsening trend of poor diets and low physical activity levels across different population groups, which can be expected to increase future levels of several chronic diseases, muscular-skeletal disorders and even a range of mental health conditions. In the long term, this will result in a negative impact on life expectancy and a reduced quality of life. Mainly, also in the light of the rapid recent changes we are witnessing (COVID 19 pandemic, Russian-Ukrainian war), the need to analyse the nutritional status and the related factors along the life course is strong in Italy. Moreover, to harmonize and interpret the data it is necessary to standardize the methods, protocols, questionnaire and references to evaluate nutritional status, eating behaviour, food consumption, and lifestyle.

Operation plan

1. Analysis of existing databank to identify areas and populations at higher risk of over- and under-nutrition. 
2. Analysis of national data on food consumption, also in comparison with national recommendations. 
3. To identify the contribution of different food sources to macro and micronutrient, bioactive components and non-nutrient substances intake. 
4. Analysis of available datasets providing information on eating and lifestyle habits, accessibility, drivers and barriers towards a healthy and sustainable diet. 
5. To define protocols and standardised tools to evaluate nutritional status body composition, eating behaviour, physical activity and lifestyle.
6. To evaluate nutritional status, body composition, eating behaviour, physical activity and lifestyle in a target ONFOODS adult cohort population. 

Expected results

1) Map of nutritional status in Italy, pointing out the Italian areas and age groups at nutritional risk, poor quality of food and lifestyle.
2) Defining trends of current dietary patterns and adherence to Mediterranean diet. 
3) Defining nutrient profile of different target population diet including factors affecting healthy lifestyle behaviours and psychosocial correlates.
4) To improve understanding of the balance among nutritional status, food consumption and lifestyle to prevent under and over-nutrition.
5) To add information lacking from the available datasets and to provide a setting for the validation of possible biomarker (see WP 5.4.) new intervention (in connection with Spoke 4) or educational strategies (in connection with spoke 7).