Article in Journal

Use of yeast extract to elicit a pulp-derived callus cultures from Annurca apple and potentiate its biological activity

Laezza, C., Imbimbo, P., D’Amelia, V., Marzocchi, A., Monti, D. M., Di Loria, A., Monti, S. M., Novellino, E., Tenore, G., & Rigano, M. M.

Journal of Functional Foods, 2024, 112, 105988


December 30, 2023

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  3. Use of yeast extract to elicit a pulp-derived callus cultures from Ann...

Today, plant cell cultures represent a valid alternative method to produce secondary metabolites. Here, we developed a protocol to obtain callus cultures from the pulp of the Italian apple variety, named Annurca. To increase the accumulation of bioactive compounds, yeast extract was used as elicitor. This elicitor induced a remarkable increase in total polyphenol content, with chlorogenic acid, procyanidin B2, and epicatechin being the most abundant. The antioxidant potential of extracts from the callus cultures was investigated and results showed that the use of the elicitor improved the protective antioxidant effect of the extracts on UVA-stressed keratinocytes. Furthermore, the extracts from the elicited callus cultures were able to speed up the process of healing after 24 h. Our results suggest that extracts obtained from elicited apple callus cultures can represent a promising alternative to chemically synthesised bioactive compounds for their use in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmetic industries.

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