Research project
24 | monthsMETROFAIR

Tools to address metrological principles for reliability of measurement results and confidence in data for fair principles’ implementation

Related toSpoke 03

Principal investigators
Claudia Zoani,Maria Careri

Other partecipantsEmilia Pucci, Paola Sangiorgio; UNIPR: Federica Bianchi, Monica Mattarozzi, Marco Giannetto, Maurizio Piergiovanni
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Task involved

Task 3.3.2.

Digital solutions will be developed by transfer of digitization models within the food supply chains and the development of data economy (IoT, Big Data, Edge Computing, etc.) and new “green solutions” in support to food safety, risk assessment and traceability. In addition, smart labels for food oxidation detection and shelf-life assessment will be considered. Tools to address metrological principles for reliability of measurement results and confidence in data for FAIR principles’ implementation will be applied. Finally, a database of food traceability data will be realised by implementing an IoT platform using a specific AI algorithm in real time, and data from WP1 and WP2 will be shared at national level by developing a new platform using ReCaS DataCenter.

Project deliverables


Report on tools to assess metrological data quality before data sharing (M36)


Report on metrological principles in data sharing and integration (M36)

State of the art

The most advanced instruments for the acquisition of various kind of data, also supported by automation systems to maximize efficiency, are known to ensure high reproducibility. In addition, the combination of the instrumentation with an advanced ICT infrastructure for storage, aggregation and integration of information, and the use of advanced Cloud Computing systems promote the FAIR principles for the advancement of knowledge in food science.
Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) are key tools for achieving traceability of the measurement results, proving accuracy of methods and demonstrating proficiency of laboratories; they are a cost-attractive tool for validation and quality control of analytical methods and sensors. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are other useful tools to provide guidelines for good measurement practice.  
In this project the significant experience of the PIs in project management related to metrological traceability of data in food measurements will be exploited.

Operation plan

  • Definition of common criteria and a common vocabulary system to assess metrological quality of data.
  • Set-up of tools to assess metrological data quality.
  • Use cases to test and use of the tools to assess the metrological quality of data generated by Spoke 3.
  • Case study of food contaminants: development of SOPs referred to sample treatment, measurements and data assessment for the analysis of micro/nanoplastics in food to provide SI-traceable results of particle number, particle size distribution and concentration.
  • Definition of minimum viable requirements in terms of metrological quality for data sharing and integration.

Expected results

  • New tools to assess metrological data quality.
  • Assessment of metrological quality of data generated in Spoke3.