Article in Journal

Antioxidant efficiency and oxidizability of mayonnaise by oximetry and isothermal calorimetry

Suhag, R., Ferrentino, G., Morozova, K., Zatelli, D., Scampicchio, M., & Amorati, R.

Food Chemistry, 2024, 433, 137274


February 1, 2024

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  3. Antioxidant efficiency and oxidizability of mayonnaise by oximetry and...

This study aimed to introduce a new method based on isothermal calorimetry (IC) for measuring the autoxidation rate in mayonnaise samples. Mayonnaise samples were prepared by homogenizing an aqueous phase, consisting of vinegar and egg yolk, with various oil phases, including sunflower, corn, extra virgin olive, grape seed, and apple seed oils at 60 °C. The rate of free radical formation (Ri) was controlled by adding AIBN (Ri = 4.4±0.1×10−9 M/s). The autoxidation rate determined by IC was highly correlated with the one measured using the oxygen uptake method (R2 = 0.99). The IC method accurately indicated the antioxidant capacity and rates of both inhibited and uninhibited periods, together with the oxidizability of mayonnaise samples. The mayonnaise made with extra virgin olive oil exhibited the lowest oxidizability, while sunflower oil showed maximum antioxidant efficiency. A significant advantage of the IC method was its ability to simultaneously measure up to 24 samples with minimal effort.

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Food quality and nutrition

To push towards sustainable and tailored food and nutrition

Lead organisationUniMi

Spoke leaderPatrizia Riso
Research projectFOXIS

Food oxidative stability by lipidomics

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Matteo Mario Scampicchio

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